At Hawthorns Primary and Nursery School, children are at the heart of everything we do. Our inclusive culture and ethos is one of openness and transparency, a place that has an ‘open door’ and welcomes daily interactions around the needs of children and their families.
We know that children who feel safe and happy are best placed for developing a love of learning and thriving at school and in life. Our ethos enables children to work hard, in a safe, supportive learning environment, so that they can achieve the highest standards that they are capable of. Our school is fully inclusive; teachers and teaching assistants successfully support a wide range of needs to ensure all children can access and enjoy our curriculum.
We pride ourselves on the level of care shown for each individual child. We take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and work hard to ensure that every child is, and feels, safe, and has a caring and supportive environment in which to work, grow and enjoy their time. Underpinning everything is the shared goal between our parents/carers, staff and other stakeholders to provide our children with the best possible education and experiences, preparing them for their next stage of education academically, but also with life skills, cultural capital and a good level of emotional resilience.
Fundamental to our success is everyone in the school community working well and supportively together. It is therefore important that everyone feels valued and knows that they can contribute their thoughts and opinions.
Our school is fortunate to be part of Schoolsworks Academy Trust who have wide ranging relevant skills, whose job it is to challenge what the school is doing and support its strategic leadership. Parents/carers will have opportunities to meet and engage with our SCC, who are also keen to receive feedback and ideas.
I'm very much looking forward to continuing to work with our school community and to welcoming new families. I hope you enjoy exploring our website, and learning more about what we have to offer.
Wendy Lawson
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